Healthy Living is the Only Way to Live

Welcome to Healthy Living. I hope to be an inspiration to others who are also on this journey of eating right, losing weight and exercising to better ourselves in mind and body. I believe the Lord is pleased with us when we take care of ourselves and our bodies. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost, and I believe Jesus is pleased when we not only take care of it with spiritual things, but also by living healthy.
The Bible aslo says in Proverbs 25:16 "Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it."
Hmmm that's something to think about!

Healthy living Oh Yeah Recipes

1 medium or 2 small eggplants
Non-stick Olive Oil Spray
lasagna noodles
1/4 cup minced Garlic
3 cup Del Monte Traditional Spaghetti Sauce( I made my own but you can get some from the store if it is quicker. I just had a lot of tomatoes)
I added green bell peppers, celery, and carrots to my tomato sauce. I also chopped up the eggplant. then I layered everything and stuck it in the over for 10 minutes. I didnt add any cheese, but If you want cheese they have vegan cheese

Here is just one of many recipes for juicing. Juicing is amazing for  detoxing and getting poisons out of your body, plus it taste way better than your average juice

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 2 carrots, 
and a green apple,
with apple cider viniger
1 beet

Here is this recipe. This makes about half a gallon
‎30 carrots,
5 red apples
,36 black berries, 
1 whole pinapple cut and peeled,
 2 oranges peeled, 
2 pomegranites cut and gutted,
 1 beet! And 1 bottle of water


1 cup of spinach
1 grilled zucchini
1 medium avacado
1  medium size chicken
2 tablespoon Newman Olive Oil and vinegar dressing

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